Repeater Tab In Burp Suite

What is repeater tab? 

The Repeater tab in Burp Suite is a powerful tool used to manually modify and resend individual HTTP and WebSocket messages. It allows for fine-grained control and testing of how an application responds to specific inputs.

Key Features:

1.Manual Request Editing:

  • You can manually edit the request method (GET, POST, etc.), URL, headers, and body.

  • This is useful for experimenting with different payloads and parameter values.

2.Tabbed Interface:

  • Each request sent to the Repeater opens in a new tab, allowing you to work on multiple requests simultaneously.

  • Tabs can be renamed for better organization.

3.Send Request and View Response:

  • After editing, click the "Send" button to send the modified request.

  • The response from the server is displayed in the side pane, showing the raw HTTP response, headers, and body.

  • The response can be viewed in different formats: raw, pretty, or hex.

4.Request History:

  • The Repeater maintains a history of the requests sent, which allows you to go back and review or resend previous requests.

  • This is particularly useful for tracking changes and comparing different responses.

Practical Applications:

1.Testing for Vulnerabilities:

  • Insert different payloads to test for SQL injection by altering parameters in a query string or POST body.

  • Check for XSS by adding JavaScript payloads to input fields and seeing if the response contains the payload without sanitization.

2.Parameter Tampering:

  • Modify parameter values to see if unauthorized access can be gained (e.g., changing user IDs to access another user's data).

3.Brute Force Testing:

  • Try different authentication credentials to test the login functionality.

How to use repeater tab:

  • In burp suite you find repeater tab. it looks like that.

  • From the intercept tab you can send the request to the repeater tab. you can right click and click on send to repeater or press Ctrl+R for send request to repeater tab.


  • click on repeater to view the request that you send. than click on send button to send request.

  • Now you can see the response in the tab that located in the right side. 

  • From the request tab you can change or modify the request. for example i change to

  • The response for the is here in the right side.


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