OWASP Top 10 :Understanding Cryptography


What is Cryptography?

 Cryptography is a method of protecting information by transforming it into an unreadable format, called encryption so that only those with the correct key can read it.

What is a Cryptographic Failure?

Cryptographic failure occurs when the cryptographic methods used to protect data are not strong enough or are implemented incorrectly.

Common Causes of Cryptographic Failures :

1. Weak Encryption Algorithms: Using outdated or weak encryption methods that are easy for attackers to break.

Example: Using the DES algorithm.

2. Poor Key Management: Not properly generating, storing, or using encryption keys.

Example: Hard-coding encryption keys in the application's source code where attackers can find them.

3. Insecure Transmission: Not encrypting data transmitted over the internet.

Example: Sending sensitive information over HTTP instead of HTTPS.

4. Improper Implementation: Incorrectly using cryptographic functions or libraries.

Example: Implementing your own encryption algorithm instead of using well-tested libraries.

5. Lack of Encryption: Not encrypting sensitive data at all.

Example: Storing passwords in plain text in a database.

6. Inadequate Cryptographic Controls: Using cryptographic measures that do not provide the necessary level of security.


  • Weak Password Hashing: Using insecure hashing algorithms like MD5.

  • Insufficient Key Length: Using short encryption keys that can be easily cracked.

7. Failure to Update and Patch: Not keeping cryptographic libraries and protocols up to date with the latest security patches.


  • Outdated SSL/TLS Versions: Continue using deprecated SSL/TLS versions.

  • Unpatched Cryptographic Libraries: Failing to apply security patches to libraries like OpenSSL.

8. Side-Channel Attacks: Exploiting physical or implementation-specific characteristics of cryptographic operations.


  • Timing Attacks: Measuring the time taken to perform cryptographic operations.

  • Power Analysis: Analyzing power consumption patterns.

9. Random Number Generation Failures: Using poor or predictable random number generators for cryptographic purposes.


  • Predictable Random Numbers: Using time-based or simple random number generators.

  • Insufficient Entropy: Generating keys or IVs with insufficient randomness.

10. Incorrect Usage of Cryptographic Modes: Using cryptographic modes of operation incorrectly.


  • ECB (Electronic Codebook) Mode: Encrypts each block independently, revealing patterns.

  • Improper IV Usage: Reusing or using predictable IVs in modes like CBC (Cipher Block Chaining).

11. Weak Hash Functions: Using hash functions is no longer considered secure.


  • MD5: Vulnerable to collision attacks.

  • SHA-1: Vulnerable to collision attacks and should not be used for security-critical purposes.

12. Insufficient Cryptographic Agility: Failing to design systems that can quickly switch to stronger algorithms when needed. 


  • Hardcoded Algorithms: Implementing cryptographic algorithms in a way that makes them hard to replace.

  • Lack of Flexibility: Systems that do not support multiple algorithms or easy upgrades.

Consequences of Cryptographic Failures:

When cryptographic failures occur, sensitive data such as passwords, credit card numbers, or personal information can be exposed. This can lead to data breaches, financial loss, identity theft, and damage to an organization's reputation.

How to Prevent Cryptographic Failures :

1. Use Strong Encryption Algorithms: Use modern and strong algorithms like AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) with a proper key length (e.g., AES-256)

Example: Implement AES-256 (Advanced Encryption Standard with a 256-bit key) for encrypting sensitive data. AES-256 is currently considered very secure and is widely used in industry standards and protocols.

2. Secure Key Management: Use secure methods to generate, store, and manage encryption keys. Avoid hard-coding keys in the source code.

Example: Use a dedicated key management service (KMS) such as AWS KMS or Google Cloud KMS to securely generate, store, and manage encryption keys. Avoid embedding keys directly in your source code or configuration files.

3. Encrypt Data in Transit: Always use secure protocols like HTTPS to encrypt data being transmitted over the internet.

Example: Ensure that your website uses HTTPS by obtaining an SSL/TLS certificate and configuring your web server to use TLS 1.2 or higher. This encrypts data transmitted between users and your site, protecting it from interception.

4. Follow Best Practices: Use well-tested cryptographic libraries and follow best practices for their implementation.

Example: Use well-established cryptographic libraries like OpenSSL, Libsodium, or Bouncy Castle for implementing cryptographic functions. These libraries have been thoroughly tested and are maintained by experts, reducing the risk of implementation errors.

5. Encrypt Sensitive Data: Ensure that all sensitive data is encrypted both in transit and at rest.

Example: Store passwords in your database using a secure hashing algorithm like bcrypt, Argon2, or PBKDF2. These algorithms are designed to be computationally intensive to thwart brute-force attacks and ensure that passwords are not stored in plain text.

6. Update and Patch Cryptographic Libraries: Regularly apply updates and patches to cryptographic libraries to fix known vulnerabilities and ensure ongoing security.

Example: Regularly check for updates to your cryptographic libraries and apply patches as soon as they are released. For instance, if an update for OpenSSL addresses a vulnerability, apply the update to protect against potential exploits.

7. Use Secure Random Number Generators: Utilize cryptographically secure random number generators to produce unpredictable and high-quality random values for keys and IVs.

Example: Use a cryptographic random number generator (CSPRNG) provided by your programming language or framework, such as SecureRandom in Java or secrets module in Python, to generate cryptographic keys and initialization vectors (IVs) with sufficient entropy

8. Avoid Weak Hash Functions: Replace outdated hash functions like MD5 and SHA-1 with more secure alternatives like SHA-256 to prevent vulnerabilities such as collision attacks.

Example: Replace MD5 and SHA-1 with SHA-256 or SHA-3 for hashing sensitive data or generating cryptographic checksums. SHA-256 is more secure and resistant to collision attacks.

9. Correctly Implement Cryptographic Modes: Use cryptographic modes of operation, such as CBC, correctly by employing unique initialization vectors (IVs) and avoiding less secure modes like ECB.

Example: When using AES in CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) mode, ensure that each encryption operation uses a unique, unpredictable IV. Avoid using ECB (Electronic Codebook) mode, which is less secure because it does not provide semantic security and can reveal patterns in the plaintext.

Conclusion: Cryptographic failures pose a significant risk to the security of sensitive data. Understanding the common causes and implementing best practices for encryption and key management can significantly reduce the risk of these failures. Protecting your data is not just a technical requirement it's a fundamental responsibility. By taking the necessary steps to prevent cryptographic failures, you can safeguard your information and maintain the trust of your users.



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