Intruder Tab In Burp Suite
What is the intruder tab?
The Intruder tab in Burp Suite is a powerful tool for automating customized attacks against web applications. It allows you to perform various tasks such as brute force attacks, parameter fuzzing, and testing for vulnerabilities like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and more.
Key Features:
1. Target and Position: Specify the target URL and define the positions within the request where payloads will be inserted. These positions are marked with the symbols §.
2. Attack Types: Choose from different attack types such as Sniper, Battering ram, Pitchfork, and Cluster bomb, each with unique ways to combine payloads and positions:
Sniper: Uses one set of payloads and iterates through them, attacking one position at a time.
Battering Ram: Uses one set of payloads and inserts the same payload into all positions simultaneously.
Pitchfork: Uses multiple payload sets and iterates through them in parallel, inserting payloads into corresponding positions.
Cluster Bomb: Uses multiple payload sets and iterates through every possible combination, inserting them into the positions.
3. Payloads:
Payload Sets: Configure one or more sets of payloads. Each set can be customized with different types of payloads, including simple lists, numbers, dates, and custom payloads.
Payload Options: Customize the payloads using transformations, encodings, and other options.
4. Options:
Attack Options: Configure various attack options such as the number of threads, request throttling, and handling of HTTP responses.
Grep - Match and Extract: Specify patterns to match or extract data from responses, which are useful for analyzing the results of the attack.
Redirections: Handle HTTP redirections automatically during the attack.
Handling of Cookies and Sessions: Configure session handling rules to maintain or regenerate sessions during the attack.
Practical Applications:
1. Brute Force Login: Identify valid username and password combinations for a login form.
2.SQL Injection Testing: Test for SQL injection vulnerabilities by inserting payloads into parameters.
3. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Testing: Identify XSS vulnerabilities by injecting malicious scripts into input fields.
4. Directory and File Enumeration: Discover hidden directories and files on the web server.
5. Parameter Fuzzing: Identify unexpected behavior by sending a variety of payloads to different parameters.
6. Session ID Analysis: Assess the predictability and strength of session IDs by generating and analyzing multiple session tokens.
7. HTTP Header Injection Testing: Test for vulnerabilities by injecting payloads into HTTP headers.
8. CSRF Token Analysis: Evaluate the strength and predictability of CSRF tokens.
9. Hidden Parameter Discovery: Discover hidden parameters that are not exposed in the normal application flow.
How to use the intruder tab:
In Burp Suite you find the intruder tab. it looks like that.
From the intercept tab, you can send the request to the intruder tab. you can right-click and click on send to intruder or press Ctrl+I for send request to intruder tab.
Then open the intruder tab. you can see the request that you sent from the intercept.
From intruders, you can perform 4 types of attacks. which are Sniper, Battering ram, Pitchfork, and Cluster bomb.
Select the text that u want to target. for example, i take one OGPC. and then click on the add button to add it to the position.
After clicking the add button you can see the added position like this.
Then click on the payloads. then you see the number of payloads that u added. select one by one.
You can set any payload like any list, numbers, and more.
If you have only a few then you can also add like this. For example, I add some text in the payload list. then click on the start attack button to start the attack.
After clicking that you see the output like this. here you have all the responses for the payload you use in the attack.
you can also click on the request that you want. after the click, you see the request at the bottom.
you can also see the response here.
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