Intercept Tab In Burp Suite

What is Intercept tab?

The Intercept tab is a core feature of Burp Suite's Proxy tool. It allows you to control and manipulate the HTTP/S requests and responses sent and received by your browser. By intercepting these communications, you can analyze the raw data, modify it on the fly, and gain insights into the web application's behavior and potential vulnerabilities.

Intercepting HTTP Requests and Responses:

1.Intercept HTTP Requests: When the intercept is enabled, Burp Suite captures each HTTP request before it reaches the server. You can view and modify the request headers, parameters, and body content. This is crucial for testing how the server handles various inputs.

2.Modify Requests: You can make real-time changes to intercepted requests. For example, you might alter form data, change headers, or modify URL parameters to test for vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), or parameter tampering.

3.Forward or Drop Requests: After inspecting or modifying a request, you can choose to forward it to the server or drop it. Dropping requests can be useful to see how the application handles incomplete or missing requests.

4.Intercept HTTP Responses: In addition to requests, Burp Suite can intercept responses from the server. This allows you to inspect the raw response data, including headers, status codes, and body content. You can modify responses to test how the client-side code handles unexpected data.

Practical Use Cases of the Intercept Tab:

1.Testing Input Validation: Modify request parameters to inject malicious inputs and see how the server responds. This helps identify vulnerabilities like SQL injection and XSS.

2.Analyzing Authentication Mechanisms: Intercept login requests to study how authentication tokens and cookies are handled. This can reveal weaknesses in the authentication process.

3.Exploring Hidden Functionality: Change request URLs and parameters to access hidden or undocumented functionality. This can expose administrative interfaces or debugging tools left accessible by mistake.

4.Session Management Testing: Intercept and modify session tokens to test for session fixation and hijacking vulnerabilities.

5.Inspecting API Traffic: When testing APIs, intercept requests and responses to understand the API’s behavior and security controls.

How to use intercept tab:

  • First go on proxy tab then you find intercept here.

  • Here is a intercept button from here you can on and off the intercept.

  • First on the intercept and click on the button open browser that redirect you to the burp suite browser.

  • In burp suite browser search the website that you want to capture the requests. for an example i search in the burp suite browser. 

  • Then go back to the burp suite and you get the request. from here you can modify the request. then click on the forward button.


  • After clicking the forward button you get the response here. open the browser for see the response on browser.

  • After the click forward button you will see the browser give the response what you send to the browser. 


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